History - Isshinryu Karate

Isshin-ryu (one heart/mind) was developed by Sensei ShimabukuOkinawa’s Grand Master of Shorin-Ryu, who devoted his life to the study of Karate. He was a master of Gojo-Ryu; studied Kobayshi-Ryu under famous Chotoku Kiyan and later under legendary Choki Motobu. He the studied the art of Bo and Sai weapons defense and Tee-faa under Okinawa’s most noted instructors. Master Shimabuku combined the best of these styles into Isshin-ryu, which epitomizes the powerful, lightening-fast techniques that in ancient times enabled the weaponless Okinawans to defend the sword wielding Samurai warriors of Japan.

Isshin-ryu’s main objective is the perfection of oneself through both physical and mental development. As students learn the art of self-defense, they acquire self-confidence, serenity, and the ability to concentrate. Isshin-ryu Karate combines a well-rounded exercise program with some important advantages over other styles.


  • Isshin-ryu kicks and punches are thrown from natural stances, eliminating wasted motions and giving you split-second advantages over opponents using other styles.
  • Isshin-ryu stresses proficiency with both hand and foot techniques, making it the most versatile form of Karate because you have no weak points.
  • Isshin-ryu is the most realistic style of Karate, stressing “close-in” techniques necessary for “street fighting” where you haven’t time for elaborate, time-consuming wind-ups of other styles.
  • Isshin-ryu is the most sensible for of Karate, with snap-punch and snap-kick techniques that permit you to move in and out quickly with-out committing yourself to a disadvantaged position should you miss or misjudge.
  • Isshin-ryu is more adaptable to the American physique and temperament than other more rigid styles because the Okinawan Master designed it to follow natural body movements.
  • Isshin-ryu will put you into better physical shape because it provides you with an aggressive exercise program that will improve your muscle tone, suppleness, speed, and wind.
  • Isshin-ryu may help you in you job since the mental and physical conditioning provides you with an opportunity to “wind down” from daily tensions and frustrations.