MMA Conditioning
Sensei Tom Wright knows that some people are looking for a little more intensity in their workout. For those folks, Tom has developed a MMA Conditioning Boot Camp class, based on BURN with Kearns. The class incorporates a wide variety of activities from cardio and kettle bells to strength bands and plyometrics. No two classes are ever the same.
To find out more, stop in to one of our classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (5:20-6:10pm), or Saturday (8:00-8:45am). You can also call Tom at (734) 677 – 2399 or email Tom Wright.
“Sensei Wright knows how/when to encourage me to push myself to my limit (and then some) so that I achieve my goals; and he does it in a way that makes you say ‘oh yes … I can!'” – Barb